hold on to the promises
It has been a good minute since I have slowed my role on hopped back into the groove! I absolutely love being able to share things that are on my heart and to give personal experiences and obstacles I have overcome in this fun game of life.
It is so crazy how things change in the blink of an eye. We have heard all of our lives (well, for me) that staying in The Word and remaining prayed up is essential as we trudge our ways down different paths and decisions. Honestly, it is so true. I can tell you I have been on both sides of this fence. One being neglectful to my personal time with Jesus vs. actually putting God first in my daily routine and setting time aside for Jesus to walk with me. Let me tell you, even in the lowest times of my life, sharing it with God made the moments easier to bear.
Through every moment we face, one thing is for sure: HOLD ON to the promises God has spoken. Every word the Lord has declared over you, take hold of it and run with it. Literally run. Satan is going to try and tear you down in every way possible and put negative thoughts in your mind that overwhelm you, deter you from the truth and can even put a barrier between you and your relationship with Jesus. When God tells us to cling to Him, CLING.
Things aren't always fair when we undergo trials and our world turns upside down unexpectedly, yet, we know who holds our future. We know who can guide us through the raging sea. Don't cower in fear, for fear is not in us. (2 Timothy 1:7)
I went through one of the most driest season I have experienced since I gave my life to God a year ago. It was so hard for me. Before this season hit, God kept telling me that He is about to stretch me and during this time I would grow. I received this from the Lord a couple times and it didn't make sense to me until I was actually living in that dry season. Every time I felt discouraged or the enemy tried to put lies in my head I would remind myself the words Jesus gave me. This will help me grow. I will learn something from this. Enjoy the season and hardship. There is purpose.
Although it was extremely difficult I endured and pressed on. God's words were true and He didn't skip a beat or miss a promise. I came out on top and even closer to God at the end of one of the many journeys yet to come.
So stay encouraged! Remind yourself who you are and who God has called you to be. Don't give the enemy a foothold. Remain diligent and steadfast because God has your best intentions-- even when it's hard to understand.
2 Corinthians 1:20
"For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory."