Monday, September 12, 2016

"Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die."

          As I am of course paying close attention to my professor in class today, thoughts began to infest my mind concerning words. WORDS. Gosh dang. As I sit in my chair trying to maintain a comfortable position for my broken collarbone my brain started to bring up memories. Memories that were good and others very ugly. Memories of words that have been said to me. Words are so powerful--- we have heard this many times throughout the days, but have we truly taken into consideration the mighty impact that the tongue carries, though?

I can remember vividly being told how I will never amount to much because my parents didn't attend college, or that I have all kinds of spirits that hinder myself and those around me. I have been told that because of my past I will never be worthy in the eyes of God. That my personality is overbearing and "piping it down" would be my best bet. I smile too much, I laugh in unnecessary moments. I will struggle for the rest of my life because I did not grow up in a wealthy environment. I have been mocked, slandered and beaten to the grounds by words that hurt and pierce through to this day. 

Why do they hurt so bad? Do people realize that I am human--- that WE are human? 

I can only express so much sincerity and empathy through a computer screen but I am truly sorry if you have ever been shot to the ground by negative words and lies that have been splashed in your face. It's not fair, it's not nice and no one deserves to go through the torment that mean words have caused.

In class today, the phrase that triggered all these thoughts that my professor said was this: "Never let what someone says define you."

For the longest I struggled with this. It hurt me all the time. I lingered on the things that were said about me. I allowed all these things to define myself. I thought since whoever said this was a "Christian" then it had to be true. But BOY OH BOY did God reach out to me in my lowest point and carry me to a safe place. He whispered truth in my ear and I listened. I listened to what mattered and the solid foundation of Christ pulled me out of such a dark time.

I just want to encourage you to never allow another human to degrade you. To limit your worth. To tell you who you are. You are worthy, beautiful, and so precious in the eyes of Jesus.

I read a quote the other day and it said something like, "How cool is it that the same God who created the mountains, oceans and galaxies looked at you and thought the world needed one of you too." 

That made me feel so amazing because the value of another persons opinion or thought is worthless. The only thing that should truly hit home is the individual God sees you as.