Monday, October 26, 2015

Does your thoughts imply love or hate?

Hello everyone! A friendly reminder that this Monday is almost over and we are one day closer to the weekend. That gets me excited. How has your day been? Well, mine... I am alive. Let's get this thing rolling.

I deal with individuals a lot on a daily basis working with the public and having to handle situations in an appropriate and according manner. Sometimes I wonder if people know how to ever say "thank you" or at least smile. As I am running all these thoughts through my mind I immediately stop myself and ask... what is nagging and complaining going to change? If people knew what goes through the minds of others then how hard would it be to minister to that person or try and show the true love of God? We need to filter out our minds and think on the things of the Lord at all times.

Check out this verse:
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phil. 4:8"

The Bible says we should meditate on God's word and to keep His righteous ways close us. If we are to live according to His ways then we must be in one mind and one accord. It goes far beyond the ordinary friendship and exceeds an everlasting, joyful intimacy that surpasses any earthly feelings. I get it, trust me, it's hard to control what we think sometimes. In matter of fact, sometimes my thoughts turn into rude gestures or comments and I always need to be on guard concerning my actions. WE ARE TO BE EXAMPLES IN THE LIGHT OF CHRIST.  

In order to truly live in God's word and way of living we must first accept that this is more than a simplistic decision that has been made, it is in fact a lifestyle. Kind of like breathing... lol. Seriously. I am being so stern and open when I say that the Bible is really our diction... the way you can work around and through the storms and obstacles of life, allow it to be your map. Your thoughts are composed by the truths of your heart. Allow God to possess your mind and to be more like Him in every way. 

I always like to refer back to Jesus, as He was friends with the very betrayer himself, Judas, and embraced those who beat Him and mocked Him with love and compassion. "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do..." Luke 23:34  The words Jesus spoke with such pure love and compassion amazes me. This is the same way we should mimic and abide by. Be quick to forgive, love hard, be the willing vessel to show people how great God is. You NEVER know what someone is going through. Sometimes a simple smile will enlighten someones day. 

I challenge you this week to change your perspective on situations, thoroughly ask yourself the best way to handle challenges and focus your mind on heavenly things. I always stress how prayer is so essential and necessary..   Be open to God and let Him grow you in areas that may be difficult. Catch you guys later! 

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