Tuesday, September 19, 2017

I feel like as Christians, it is so easy for us to get into the routine of the same ol' typical sayings you would find on Pinterest. You know, the ones whenever you first get saved it's your home screen, lock screen, and Facebook banner-- "God won't put me through more than I can handle", "He won't bring me to it if He can't see me through it." -- I swear we just shoot things out of our mouth like a lucky win at the lottery. Haha. That was funny. Anyway...

The point I am trying to make is that are we really being intentional in giving others and ourselves advice or is it all a front? I am telling you to trust God and I have good meaning behind it but do the words I speak and say truly emphasize that I KNOW God will see you through, that yes, it is hard, but God has your back. He loves you. He is fighting for you today, tomorrow, and everyday after that.

I don't want to sound like a broken robot who is going through the motions with my cute quotes that are so surfaced I could ride some waves on it. I'm not looking to give you baby food... I want you to feast on that soulful food. The kind of stuff that makes you chew on it, think about the flavor, and ponder on the next course you should take. Get confident with yourself-- the words you speak over yourself and over others should have life.

It's okay to be bold when putting God on the spot. He knows people are going to question, that doubts will float around the minds of believers {and non-believers} "Be still and know that I am God..." Psalms 46:10

I write this as an encouragement to myself. I can be bold in knowing the Lord has it together even when I don't and I will have the courage to share that if God see's past my flaws and failures and has His best interest for me, then I know without a doubt He's got you too. 

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